Calisthenics for deskworker's
Sitting. Our bodies agree, unanimously, it sucks. Period. It’s no secret that our modern-day lifestyle demands a lot from our bodies. We are tight, literally everywhere, our necks are strained, our shoulders are hunched forward, and our lower limbs are numb. That's why we created this Deskworker's Course, tailor-made with you in mind.
Just 5 min a day. No equipment needed.
Club calisthenics

28-Day Guide
Stay accountable and on track with your progress every month and see real results.

Mini Breaks
These quick follow-along mobility workouts (3x) can be done right from your office (or your desk).

Cheat Sheets
Download and print these PDF's with exercises and stretches you can do during your work day.

Extra love for your back, neck, hips, and shoulders! Mobility work doesn't mean easy ... you'll feel it later!
Coach Grace has always been passionate about movement. She has years of experience working with clients just like you and understands everyday stressors and how they affect the body and mind. Grace is well-trained in calisthenics and bodyweight techniques to minimize and reduce that stress. She will walk you through the pain points and mobility relief work.
The progress will be slow and steady, but sustainable and real.
Our culture is obsessed with unrealistic expectations a quick fixes that do not take into account aging, injury, body type, and ability. These are 100% NOT SUSTAINABLE for life. We WILL do better.