ClubCal co-founder Crystal Hatch, had a blast talking with Damian Porter on his Straight Talk Mind and Muscle podcast. Check out our conversation on Apple Podcasts or Spotify if you're interested in calisthenics, mobility training, gymnastics strength training, and biohacking the body.
Crystal Hatch has long been involved in the development of various fitness modalities and has been passionate about movement since childhood. Her journey has crossed di
sciplines like running, outdoor sports like hiking and backpacking, Krav Maga, gymnastics strength training, traditional weight training, yoga, and calisthenics.
Crystal built and was the co-founder of Awaken Gymnastics Strength Training, the first adult gymnastics strength training facility in the world – for more than 7 years in the Mile High City of Denver where she still resides. Over her tenure, Crystal has hosted and learned from athletes around the world at the top of their class. Working with fitness brands like GymnasticBodies (GymFit) and Simonster Strength alongside cirque performers, hand-balancers, contortionists, and calisthenics athletes, Crystal has taken the very best of what she’s learned to form her newest company, Club Calisthenics.
The ClubCal Method is a result of more than 15 years of searching, practicing, and learning. Simply put, her method blends free weights and calisthenics to form the most sustainable strength-based fitness method around. And one that utilizes mobility and strength for the development of cool skills like planche, human flag, handstand, muscle-up, and more. The ClubCal method is different from other modalities in that it focuses on helping people build healthy relationships with their bodies, long-term – in essence, it truly elevates the notion that fitness IS for every BODY.
Crystal is an avid marketing and design guru who has run and developed every angle of her many businesses. She spends her free time adventuring in the Colorado mountains, traveling, drinking coffee, advocating for survivors of emotional abuse, and enjoying that upside-down view.
For Crystal, the handstand is a metaphor for life: a change in perspective and the development of strength is the key to health, happiness, and transformation.